The K Systems Winter Working Best Practice Guide | News | K Systems
27 January 2023

The K Systems Winter Working Best Practice Guide

Find out useful information in our Best Practice Guide for working with EWI systems in the winter months ahead.

Winter often brings additional challenges to the construction industry and particularly for those trying to complete outdoor tasks such as insulation and finishing external walls. Thankfully, due to some innovative technology and forward thinking, the K Systems team have been able to engineer many of their products to allow continued use in the autumn and winter months meaning you don’t have to stop working when the weather changes!

We know the main problems during the Autumn and Winter can lead to wash-off of finishing products, wetter substrates, slower drying and sometimes limebloom. Most of our products are designed to work down to temperatures of 5oC and our Mineral TC can be used at temperatures as low as 1oC. This means you can continue to work on those colder days. Our products are also designed to dry quickly, meaning that when you have a window of drier weather, you can get to work and be assured that your K Systems products will dry before the rain starts. There are additional tips and tools to use that can fast track that process even further without compromising the highest quality and performance you expect from K Systems and their products.

This handy Winter Working brochure is here to help, outlining the weather conditions when you can continue to use K Systems products, the products within our extensive, specialised range which are perfect to keep you working through the winter months, some best practice top tips to help you in the colder, wetter conditions and introducing you to some of our Winter Working specialists and how they can help you. We’ve also included some handy information from approved applicators, like you, in the industry, outlining their top tips for Winter Working and a few of their tips to get you through to Spring time. As ever, our teams are here to help and support you with technical and sales support, handy tips and even a few competitions to cheer you up during the Winter blues. Stay in touch via phone, through our website contact form or on our social media channels and we’ll work through the Winter months together – without any slips, trips or on-the-job mishaps.

Download our Winter Working Best Practice Guide here.