The new multi-million euro Buncrana Primary Care Centre development was an exceptional project to be involved with. This high-profile project was funded by the HSE, with the aim of bringing many healthcare services together in one new state-of-the-art centre. For the client, the key requirement was to build a modern, aesthetically pleasing, energy efficient facility that achieved a target U-value of 0.15W/m ² K. After numerous design meetings taking into consideration client requirements, budget and timeframes, the high-performance, light-weight and cost effective K Systems E EWI system was specified, with a Silicone Thin Coat Render Finish.
An EWI system generating exceptional performance and provides the highest of levels of fire resistance and non-combustibility.
Exicco is an external wall insulation system that is suitable for steel and timber framed buildings.
An EWI system incorporating high performing rigid thermoset phenolic foam insulation boards.
St, Helier, Jersey
Manchester, England