Belfast City Council designed Walkways Community Centre with the local community in mind, providing them with places to both work and play. In this £1.37m project, the original portable modular building was demolished and replaced with a new 575 square metre build. K Systems provided on-site technical support and installation guidance throughout the build which resulted in delivery of a modern, aesthetically pleasing facility that achieved the target U-value of 0.18W/m ² K. The high performing K Systems Exicco E system was successfully installed, with a Silicone Thin Coat render finish. Exicco provides excellent protection and can offer an excellent fire rating of up to A2-s1,d0, providing high levels of fire resistance and non-combustibility. The drained cavity behind the insulation in the Exicco system will ensure that any interstitial moisture will escape without detriment to the performance of the system.
An EWI system generating exceptional performance and provides the highest of levels of fire resistance and non-combustibility.
Exicco is an external wall insulation system that is suitable for steel and timber framed buildings.
An EWI system incorporating high performing rigid thermoset phenolic foam insulation boards.
Islington, England
Donegal, Ireland